News and Updates

New Service! CTC Sign Management System


Historically, highway signs have been required to be manufactured with a certain level of nighttime visibility, or “Retroreflectivity.”  The 2009 MUTCD now requires all signs to be maintained at a certain level of retroreflectivity, based upon the colors of the materials used.  The first deadline is January 22, 2012.

With the most Up to date courses!CTC's Online Institute


CTC is always striving to find the most innovative ways for our clients to stay in compliance.  Our new Online Institute offers Web-based DOT and OSHA training designed to enhance your skills, increase your performance, and meet the current DOT and DOL training requirement.

A Fallen American HeroSGT Brandon E. Maggart Memorial and
Blake Maggart Educational Fund

Honoring the memory of Army SGT Brandon E. Maggart who served in Iraq and was killed during OperationIraq Freedom.

Blake Maggart remembers his father on Memorial Day and Veteran's Day in 2011


TrainingDo you have a transportation issue? Ask us!

Commercial Vehicle Operations Training

Our analysts have provided training to the following organizations:

Rural Advanced Technology and Transportation Systems 1998 International Conference, Penn State University

1999 Transportation Engineering and Safety Conference, Pennsylvania State University

2002 Governor’s Highway Safety Conference, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

The National Association of Professional Accident Reconstruction Specialists

South Central PA Highway Safety 16th Annual Driver Safety Seminar;

The Institute for Law Enforcement Education

Maine State Police

Ohio State Highway Patrol

Pennsylvania State Police

Texas A & M University Extension

Capital Area (PA) Pupil Transportation Association

Laidlaw Transportation’s South Central Pennsylvania Safety Council

Safe Kids Pennsylvania


The topics have included:

Crash Dynamics

Law Enforcement Perspective/Role in Collision Reconstruction

Case Study: 1998 Greyhound Bus Crash

Commercial Vehicle Electronic Data

Newtonian Physics & the Function of Safety Restraints

Safety Belts in School Buses

Crash Scene Investigation for the Use/Misuse of Child Safety Seats

Crash Investigation/Reconstruction

To view our online training opportunities, please enter CTC’s Online Institute.